> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Some Required Reading For 9-11 Conspiracy Nuts

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Some Required Reading For 9-11 Conspiracy Nuts

This book released by Popular Mechanics yesterday should be a required read for the 9-11 nutjobs out there, and since they all seem to have so much time on their hands it shouldn't be a problem squeezing it in between their visits to Alex Jones' websites, the Web Fairy and all the other wacko conspiracy sites polluting and permeating the web.

While they're all at it, after they finish reading the book they can spend some time over at my friend Pat Curly's ScrewLooseChange getting more answers to all their questions as to why 9-11 was perpetrated and planned by Mideastern Terrorists and not by George Bush, the illuminati, or whoever else is being blamed this week.

Popular Mechanics - Debunking 9/11 Myths: Introduction with Forward by John McCain: "The first conspiracy theories about 9/11 began to emerge while the wreckage was still smoldering. As evidence accumulated that conclusively linked the hijackings to Al Qaeda, some self-proclaimed skeptics searched for alternative explanations. Many seemed driven to find a way to blame the United States for somehow abetting, or even orchestrating, the tragedy.

In the years since the attacks, these assertions have grown progressively more lurid and pervasive. If you search the phrase “9/11 conspiracy” on the Internet, you will discover more than 800,000 Web pages. A few skeptics make a responsible effort to sift through the mountain of available information, but a vast majority ignore all but a few stray details they think support their theories. In fact, many conspiracy advocates demonstrate a double standard. They distrust the mainstream media coverage and government sponsored investigations of 9/11, yet they cherry-pick from those same sources to promote their extreme notions: that the hijacked planes weren’t commercial jets, but military aircraft, cruise missiles, or remote-control drones; that the World Trade Center buildings were professionally demolished; that American air defenses were deliberately shut down; and more." read more


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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