Democrats Dishonor Iraq War Dead: "Democrats have 'sunk to a new low' by releasing a 'shameless' fund-raising video with images of dead American soldiers, critics charge.
The video from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) shows U.S. flag-draped coffins loaded on an airplane, and a standing rifle supporting the helmet of a fallen GI, in a montage of 'things that are wrong with America.'
The attempt to capitalize on the deaths of American soldiers has generated outrage among politicians, veterans, military families, and conservative bloggers.
'The families of the fallen heroes of the War on Terror deserve our utmost respect and compassion,' said Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas. 'They do not deserve to see the deaths of loved ones exploited by [DCCC Chairman Rahm] Emanuel and the DCCC."
So may I suggest going there and at least wasting their bandwidth, just don't listen to or watch the blasphemous propaganda.
It's just like the Dems, and so now we know why they wanted to see the dead soldiers coming home- not to memorialize them but so they could use the pictures of their coffins to raise money for their soon to fail election bids.
UPDATE 4:50pm cdt:
Our Friend Chris at Lucky Dawg News has compiled an antithesis flash movie response as to the proper way that our brave soldiers may be pictured eloquently; to honor them and their service, not to request money for political campaigns as the democrats have done.
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