> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Zarqawi; Meaningless Extermination or Godsend?

Today's world headlines

Monday, June 12, 2006

Meaningless Extermination or Godsend?

Well, according to the reaction of the left to his elimination last week, (well documented in posts on this blog and everywhere else on the planet earth besides looney lib land) this was nothing but a planned stunt by the administration to raise poll ratings, didn't matter because he was a U.S. invented straw man, even was heavy handed U.S. military tactics has been bandied about by the dimwit dems.

If I remember correctly, this from the party that elected the last president who let Osama and others run free and wild to execute terror attacks on the WTC IN 93, the Cole, Mogidishu, Kobar Towers, etc etc and most of all to plan and execute 9-11, ignoring at least one if not many chances to eliminate him once and for all, in all likelyhood preventing 9-11 altogether.

Now we have a president doing exactly what we elected him to do, kill terrorists in their own sandboxes, not in our backyards. 40 percent of Al Qaeda has either been killed or imprisoned around the world, one major terrorist and his partner running around from cave to cave in who knows where, and Zarqawi has now been added to the virgins most needed list and the left cries a river of crocodile tears trying to tear the fabric of their own country apart for their political gain.

Even their Holy Grail, the New York Times Sunday acknowledged that Zarqawi was planning bigger and better things even while in the same breath minimizing his importance. and thanks to our soldiers and George Bush, another 9-11 may have been prevented by his extermination.
Zarqawi Planned to Top 9/11 Attacks: "The New York Times reports today that before his death, top al Qaeda terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi trained about 300 foreign fighters in Iraq and sent them back to their home countries, where they awaited orders to carry out strikes.

But the paper makes no mention of Zarqawi's most ambitious foreign attack plot, which nearly succeeded two years ago: a weapons of mass destruction strike that intelligence officials estimated would have killed 20,000.

The death toll planned by Zarqawi would have far exceeded the destruction wrought by Osama bin Laden on Sept. 11."The April 2004 attack, which was all but ignored by the Western press, was foiled at the last minute when Jordanian officials intercepted a convoy of three vehicles near the Syrian border. read more

More on Al Zarqawi; Icon & War Victim to the Twisted Looney Left
Union Leader - Zarqawi’s mirror: An ugly reflection of the U.S. left - Sunday, Jun. 11, 2006: "THE KILLING of al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi by U.S. forces last week was cause for rejoicing. A beast of unspeakable villainy who had slaughtered many Americans and Iraqis entirely in cold blood was brought to a deservedly unpeaceful end. Incredibly, many opponents of the current administration saw the event first and foremost as one to spin, criticize and deconstruct.

Zarqawi’s death does not mean the end of terrorism in Iraq. It does not mean America’s mission there is accomplished. The only one we’ve seen who has suggested that is John Kerry, not George W. Bush. But his killing means something.For those waging war on us and the majority of Iraqis who want peace, the meaning is clear. There is no safe hiding place for self-proclaimed jihadi warrors.

As long as he evaded us, Zarqawi was a symbol of American military ineffectiveness, as well as terrorist power. The terrorists look a lot weaker, and we a lot stronger, now.More than a symbol, Zarqawi was an actual killer, too.

He couldn’t handle a machine gun, but he could handle a knife, and he could lead delusioned young men. There is no telling how many American servicemen and women, as well as Iraqi civilians, died at the hands of men he led. That he is no longer with us is a fact worthy of celebration, no matter one’s views on the underlying justification for our being in Iraq. " read more

Another good related story: Time: How They Killed Him


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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