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Sunday, June 4, 2006

Welcome To Looney Lib Island

Another attempt at the impossible "world peace and love Utopia" model that all folks on the left crave so badly has gone awry is Staten Island New York. What a surprise.
COMMUNE SEX SHOCKER By HEATHER GILMORE - New York Post Online Edition: News: "June 4, 2006 -- A hippie-style, hilltop commune on Staten Island has turned the '60s peace-and-love philosophy on its head, pressuring members into sex, green-card marriages, pill-popping and wacky sex sessions with a shrink, two ex-members claim.

Those who refused were shuffled into the worst lodgings and pressured to leave, the defectors said.

Ganas, where a co-founder was ambushed and shot six days ago by a former member of the commune, has become a virtual paradise lost.

'They say they are all about peace and living in harmony, but they are really the evil-doers,' said Walter Enquist, a former freelance journalist who said he left the hippie haven in 1999 after a 21/2-year stint.

'I never felt comfortable there - it wasn't your typical hippie way of life.'" more
What is the typical hippie way of life one has to wonder. I guess the answer was in the 1st paragraph.......

"A hippie-style, hilltop commune on Staten Island.......the '60s peace-and-love philosophy........" Gee, I can't believe it failed.....bummer man.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. I noticed that you propose that your blog presents "solutions" to the liberal problem. Mostly I just see you posting articles and complaining for a sentence or two.

    For the record, I'm one of the freakjobs who lives at Ganas. I'm a nineteen year old girl raised in an affluent suburb of the city by parents about as conservative as you are. I've known these people for over a year and have yet to be forced into a lesbian relationship, handed pills, or forced to "sleep with the midgets." People seem to have forgotten that these allegations were made by a) people disgrunted about being asked to leave and b) a woman who was so crazy that she stalked and then shot a man six times. If you want to run a respectable blog, you should probably consider sources slightly more credible than The Post.

  2. I read this article recently on a Staten Island blog site that said pretty much what Erica Lagotte did. Although they said that all the conservative blogs took up the Daily News coverage (coverage meaning use of the word "kinky") and not the Post's. Although, anyone with more than a HS education who lives in NYC knows that the Post is a tabloid for illiterates.


  3. I've lived at Ganas for 16 years. There's not a word of truth in the NY Post article. If you'd care to step outside of your preconceptions and discover a few new reality-based truths, why don't you visit Ganas and see for yourself? We're a bunch of hard-working, decent, friendly folks.

    The disgruntled jerks who maligned the community in the press wanted to (and attempted to) freeload off of the community, neither paying nor contributing anything, and are angry that the courts finally evicted them. Are those the people whose opinions you choose to accept as the gospel truth?

  4. In the United States, there are all-too frequent shootings at Schools, Offices, Factories, and yes, the Suburban (Nuclear-Family) home.

    Does that mean that Schools, Offices, Factories, and Suburban homes have all gone badly awry?

    A psychotic woman ambushed and shot a man on a public street. Nothing has gone badly awry in the community.


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