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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Ted Nugent Unplugged

If you like Ted Nugent's politics, as I do, then you'll enjoy this story from the British left leaning Independent. Ted kicks around his interviewer like a bad stepchild.

Independent Online Edition: "He owns 350 guns, wants to nuke Iraq and makes his friend George W look like a liberal. Now 1970s heavy metal star Ted Nugent has his sights set on a new target: entering US politics
Published: 28 May 2006

During the private inaugural party at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, in 2000, President George W Bush glanced across the room and recognised a man who - by his own account - has urinated on a nun, soiled his trousers for a week in order to avoid the draft, and been detained on a charge of indecent exposure, after experiencing difficulties with his loincloth in Little Rock, Arkansas. The President confronted him as a matter of urgency.

'When he noticed me,' Ted Nugent recalls, 'he was surrounded by these huge bankrollers from his campaign. He literally swept past all of them and said: 'Laura! Look who's here! It's Ted!' Then he hugged me and took me by the shoulders. He said: 'Just keep doing what you're doing. Don't think that we don't know what you're up to out here. Stay on course. You're doing great.''
Like Jesus, Gandhi or Hitler, Nugent tends to inspire this kind of extreme reaction. He rarely gives interviews to the British press; the last time he did, some years ago, he managed what is possibly the most extraordinary achievement of his remarkable career - proving too right-wing for the Daily Telegraph.

Ted Nugent, 57, best known for his 1977 hit 'Cat Scratch Fever', has sold 40 million records over four decades. The Detroit-born guitarist, once described as the missing link between Iggy Pop and the White House, used to perform dressed as a Neanderthal - a prophetic gesture, some would argue, given his emergence, in middle age, as an arch-conservative National Rifle Association board member, and obsessive hunter. " more


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. I used to like Nugent too, until I heard about how he was a deadbeat dad that fathered an illegitimate child.

    This made me really think Nugent was a real piece of shit:

    According to a July 15, 1990 interview for the Detroit Free Press, Nugent described how he avoided the draft during the Vietnam War: He claims that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last ten days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside pants caked with excrement and stained by his urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment, he says. His quote: “ but if I would have gone over there, I’d have been killed, or I’d have killed, , or I’d have killed all the Hippies in the foxholes… I would have killed everybody.”

  2. There is no doubt his behavior described there is abomidable which he himself admits. I speak mostly to his views today about our enemies and his NRA stance.


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