> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: New White House Mosque? As seen from the Rose Garden, The West Wing of the White House Over the weekend

Today's world headlines

Monday, August 16, 2010

New White House Mosque? As seen from the Rose Garden, The West Wing of the White House Over the weekend

What's the tarp for Barry?
IS Obama building himself a little 'Middle East Wing' mosque himself perhaps for the former White House turned Obama Family Flop House ? ;)

Maybe their adding a room for his brother in Kenya who lives in that Kenyan ghetto, or perhaps Auntie's moving in, finally leaving the projects of Boston now that she's been 'legalized'?
Then again it could be more basketball courts or a craps wall for all his buddies to throw dice.... who the hell knows huh?

.... this is the west wing from a different view.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Nobody's really said anything anywhere today about it, it was on Drudge yesterday at the top. Funny thing is seeing something like this on a SUNDAY....there's no construction people associated with the White house that normally work on Sundays. That's for darn sure.

  2. Wouldn't surprise me what's he's building, Ray.
    It could be a crack den, or a down low social club too.

    But, a mosque is a definate possiblity.  I guess he told his minions in the press to keep quiet about it.

    You are hilarious, the WH is now the FLOP HOUSE!  TOO TRUE!

  3. Crack den was one of the choices Bunni lol...we think alike ;)

    It looks though like their building a dome on top of the house but that portion has always been there, but it looks like it and it would be just like them to install the minarets and domes in the still of Sunday night and surprise us ...Muslim fkr... lol

  4. Crack den was one of the choices Bunni lol...we think alike ;)

    It looks though like their building a dome on top of the house but that portion has always been there, but it looks like it and it would be just like them to install the minarets and domes in the still of Sunday night and surprise us ...Muslim fkr... lol


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