> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: One of The Worst Ex-Bears quarterbacks acquitted of drunken driving

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

One of The Worst Ex-Bears quarterbacks acquitted of drunken driving

Anyone who follows or knows the history behind the Chicago Bears knows that traditionally the position of quarterback has always been a weak link to say the least, and amongst those links over the years the very weakest many would argue would have to be Bob Avellini.

I remember many a holidays and Sundays hearing a grandfather, father or uncle complaining about his futility on the field, and the Bears perpetual tolerance for his and others' perennial ineptitude at this all important position, along with the likes of lifetime bencher's like Bobby Douglass, Mike Phipps, Jim Harbaugh, Mike Tomczak and the list is endless.

Until finally in 1884 when they got around to drafting a guy named Jim McMahon and bringing in an old veteran named Steve Fuller who backed him up in between injuries, leading them to their vaunted one and only '85 Super Bowl win but not much else to speak of, not to mention during any of the above named player's careers and particularly Avellini's.

Anyhow, he has always been known around this town as quite the party guy, as one of these professional "former players", making endless bar appearances and such which happens to have caught up with him on a number of occasions in the DUI department. An activity in which most cases lands the average Joe and Schmoe behind bars for a spell or two as most are well aware, especially in Illinois, known as one of if not the strictest state in the union regarding drunk driving.

However, in Avellini's case he seems to have gotten "lucky" this latest time and others, getting away with yet another one somehow as the Chicago papers are reporting this morning..("think Chicago pay to play and that might help explain his 'good luck' this time around")

Ex-Bears quarterback acquitted of drunken driving

My Way News : "WHEATON, Ill. (AP) - Former Chicago Bears quarterback Bob Avellini has been acquitted of driving under the influence of alcohol by a DuPage County judge.

It's the third time since 2005 the 55-year-old Avellini has been found not guilty of drunken driving charges in the suburban Chicago county. He was convicted in 2002.

Judge Robert Kleeman said Wednesday there wasn't enough evidence to convict in the June 2007 arrest.

Defense attorney Richard Kayne says Avellini cooperated with police and didn't show real signs of impairment. Avellini refused to take field-sobriety tests, breath tests or a blood test.

Avellini was acquitted twice in 2005. He was convicted in 2002 and ordered to perform 50 hours of community service and pay a $750 fine.

Avellini played for the Bears from 1975 to 1984."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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