> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Bow Ye Peasants, Obama, The "Whiner In Chief", Has Entered the Building....

Today's world headlines

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bow Ye Peasants, Obama, The "Whiner In Chief", Has Entered the Building....

Ran across this post from Mark Finklestein from FinkelBlog and Newsbusters fame where he points out how the New York Times juiced their piece about Obama appearing in today's rag sheet by leaving some real whiney commentary about how hard it is to be him, and how smart he must be to make the impossibly tough decisions etc.

And all I could keep thinking to myself as he urged Americans not be scared if you can believe that comment (like we're all a bunch of crying wussies like he and his lame followers) I kept saying, "man this weakling scares the living shit out of me...

I added the annotations to Finkel's video, which captures the essence of the "Whiner In Chief's" statements conveniently and protectively left out by the Times for a piece they did this morning on the Today show....

Poor Baby Obama: I Have To Make The ‘Really Hard’ Decisions

| FinkelBlog: "Two big stories emerged from Pres. Obama’s interview with New York Times reporters aboard Air Force One yesterday:

1. we have a whining, self-pitying president.
2. The Times scrubbed from its article the worst of the president’s comments, the ones that revealed him in that self-pitying light.

Fortunately, the Today show had the tapes, and played them this morning. According to Today, when President Obama met with reporters from the New York Times yesterday aboard Air Force One, his goal was “trying to sound hopeful and reassuring.” Mission not accomplished. As ambivalent as were the president’s putatively reassuring words on the economy, the delivery was even worse–halting and anything but assured. Be sure to view the video." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Obama was elected by brainwashed and naive college students, emotional soccer moms, stupid union workers, the leftist media, and the blacks seeking revenge for slavery. The stock market could be down to 2,000 and his poll numbers would still be high. If we had another election next month, he’d still win.

  2. Your right Right :).. but the saddest thing about that is those nimrods make up more than half the voting country at the moment, and they aborted 50 million little voters over the past 40 years on top of that.Imagine if they lived...

    That means two things, unacceptable and unprecedented fraud this time around and far too many conservatives stayed home. I'm not sure about that though as we do seem to be surrounded everywhere I look..

  3. Sorry Vulagank, comments with links not in html fuck up the left sidebar on my front page from the recent comments module, fattening it to the link length.... so if you want to leave a link do it the white man's way please. sorry


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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