> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Already Whining And Cracking Under The Bubble.

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Obama Already Whining And Cracking Under The Bubble.

This half a man is the biggest wussy ever placed in the White House without a doubt, and his childish crying and whining has just begun as we've never seen America bend over like they did foolishly electing this metrosexual girly man our leader, what a joke. He cried during the election when called by his true Arab name Hussein for cripes sake.

I predict the thin skinned Obama will have a nervous breakdown when the shi* really hits the fan, as the world starts "putting the screws" to the American usurper. The spineless, unproven fraud who has neither the intelligence nor the balls to be the leader of the free world. A puppet & DNC chump that fierce leaders like Putin and ruthless Arab dictators around the world can't wait to start bi*** slapping around like they do all the women in their cultures, as he's already becoming a national embarrassment with moments like this one described by Politico.com back in his so called homestate this past weekend, which is of coarse nothing but another one of his pathetic media supported lies, the biggest one of all mind you...

Obama at a news conference this weekend whining
reporters were being too intrusive, booo hooo Barry :
(Original pic here)

Obama bristles as the bubble closes in -

Carol E. Lee - Politico.com: "HONOLULU – The media glare, the constant security appendage and the sheer production that has become a morning jog or a hankering for an ice cream cone – it’s been closing in on Barack Obama for some time.

Now the president-elect appears increasingly conscious of the confines of his new position, bristling at the routine demands of press coverage and beginning to chafe at boundaries that are only going to get smaller.

Obama even took the unusual step Friday morning of leaving behind the pool of reporters assigned to follow him, taking his daughters to a nearby water park without them. It was a breach of longstanding protocol between presidents (or presidents-elect) and the media, that a gaggle of reporters representing television, print and wire services is with his motorcade at all times.

Then when reporters finally caught up with Obama at Koko Marina Paradise Deli and he acknowledged them for one of few times since arriving in Hawaii last Saturday, he sounded resigned.

After ordering a tuna melt on 12-grain bread, Obama approached reporters and placed his hand on the shoulder of pool reporter Philip Rucker of The Washington Post, who was scribbling away in his notebook.

“You don't really need to write all that down,” Obama said. continued
Say what Barry? We don't need to write all that down? Are you friggin kidding us? "What have you got to hide", like he'll ever answer that question truthfully.

Sure not used to being scrutinized this fraud is not, and we will soon see the myth of the Cult of Obama unravel right before the eyes of his sycophantic press and public. Those who veered away from thoroughly vetting the usurper for fear of what would truly be uncovered, like the dirt and scum under the fingernails of every single Democrat and many Republicans of today hide from the world, only usually not for this long.

Only, his many many faults and deceptions have been clearly layed out already, just begging to be scrutinized yet have been entirely ignored as we all know far too well by now.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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