> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Left Wing Oprah "Touchy, Feely, Feel Good" Literary Crowd Duped Again

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Monday, December 29, 2008

Left Wing Oprah "Touchy, Feely, Feel Good" Literary Crowd Duped Again

These people get suckered time and time again by putting down reality for their dreamed about fantasy Utopia where love conquers all and everything gets wrapped up in a tidy little liberal bow which leads to the adulation of the Oprah book club crowd, and so the fairytale goes.

Well.... they all got suckered again big time by this, a Holocaust survivor who felt simply surviving that hell in itself wasn't a good enough story to sell, which in all likelihood it was. So he and his wife made up an entire life of lies and love, a story far too cheesy to be true, yet the liberal literary agents and book wonks bought this fairytale hook, line and sinker.

While on the subject, here's a few other recent examples of their collective bad judgment in people's character, the suckers for an "always too good to be true" romantic tear jerking, sell to Hollywood and New York love story:

The damage is broad. Publishing, the most trusting of industries, has again been burned by a memoir that fact-checking might have prevented. Berkley is an impint of Penguin Group (USA), which in March pulled Margaret B. Jones'"Love and Consequences" after the author acknowledged she had invented her story of gang life in Los Angeles.

Winfrey fell, as she did with James Frey, for a narrative of suffering and redemption better suited for television than for history.

So do you feel like taking a wild guess who's going to be the next storytelling imbecile that the collective left gets and got suckered over big time with yet another high profile and big dollar high stakes BS filled biography?

You guessed it if you said Barack Hussein Obama, as his smash liberal loved book, the so called best bio ever of a presidential candidate "Dreams of My Father", (you know, Barack Hussein Sr, that missing in action, philandering lowlife Muslim who died in a drunk driving accident) is now being uncovered as a complete fraud by famed author Jack Cashill,

He claims and nearly proves it's nothing more than a BS / Biofantasy of Obama's that was likely dreamed up be himself and yet actually penned by good buddy and domestic terrorist neighbor, William Ayers. True Suckers these people are on the left most of the time, and Obama will prove to be their biggest embarrassment and example of bad judgment yet to date, mark my words on that claim.

And if only they vetted his BS book a little better, just like they admittedly should have with this man and his wife below, this guy Hussein would not be the next US president in line, this one to embarrass himself and the entire country while he's at it when his real story of truth finally comes out from the shadows of lies and obfuscation he presently resides.

In this Sept. 25, 2008 file photo, Herman and Roma Rosenblat pose for a photo in their North Miami Beach, Fla. home. Rosenblat's "Angel at the Fence" had been scheduled to come out in February, but Berkley Books, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA), withdrew the memoir following allegations by scholars, friends and family members that his tale was untrue.(AP Photo/J. Pat Carter, File)
Anger, sadness over fabricated Holocaust story

My Way News - "NEW YORK (AP) - It's the latest story that touched, and betrayed, the world.

'Herman Rosenblat and his wife are the most gentle, loving, beautiful people,' literary agent Andrea Hurst said Sunday, anguishing over why she, and so many others, were taken by Rosenblat's story of love born on opposite sides of a barbed-wire fence at a concentration camp.

'I question why I never questioned it. I believed it; it was an incredible, hope-filled story.'

On Saturday, Berkley Books canceled Rosenblat's memoir, 'Angel at the Fence.' Rosenblat acknowledged that he and his wife did not meet, as they had said for years, at a sub-camp of Buchenwald, where she allegedly sneaked him apples and bread. The book was supposed to come out in February.

Rosenblat, 79, has been married to the former Roma Radzicky for 50 years, since meeting her on a blin
d date in New York. In a statement issued Saturday through his agent, he described himself as an advocate of love and tolerance who falsified his past to better spread his message.

'I wanted to bring happiness to people,' said Rosenblat, who now lives in the Miami area. 'I brought hope to a lot of people. My motivation was to make good in this world.'" continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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