> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: IDF Launches YouTube Channel To Combat MSM Misinformation

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

IDF Launches YouTube Channel To Combat MSM Misinformation

Today the Israelis know they not only fight a war against radical Muslims in these wicked Palestinians but they also have to fight the MSM day in and day our as they act as Hamas propaganda arm running to press with any little word the Palestinians cry to them, not to mention their penchant for shooting and printing staged photos and scenery these radical Muslims create all the time from Haditha to the so called sQuana Massacre just to name Two Hezbollywood type events./

So they've countered smartly with a YouTube channel of their own that the Google people have already taken to censoring, meanwhile they leave terrorist propaganda up so regularly that I myself belong to a group of internet folks who help run these videos off the internet, with great effort mind you. They don't take em down easily nor very often on their own recognizance. Help us by joining in at Youtube Smackdown, Jihadhists Smackdown, or simply freelance on your own by going there and simply visiting the recommended offfensive terrorist propaganda and flagging it as such with the youtube flag tool.

YouTube - idfnadesk's Channel:

"The IDF Spokesperson's Unit is the Israel Defense Forces' professional body responsible for media and public relations in Israel and around the world. This is our new site that will help us bring our message to the world.

We were saddened earlier today that YouTube took down some of our exclusive footage showing the IDF's operational success in operation Cast Lead against Hamas extremists in the Gaza Strip. Fortunately, due to blogger and viewer support, YouTube has returned some of the footage they removed."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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