> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Winningist Olympic Athlete Of All Time

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Winningist Olympic Athlete Of All Time

Say Hello to the newest multi million dollar endorsement and "tiger beat" teenie bopper  poster man:

He's made the great swimmer of the 70's Mark Spitz look like a wuss which was damn hard to do, but he did it and is still going. Incidentally Spitz is really pissed off that he wasn't invited by the USOC to witness the assault on his long standing records.  Either way Phelps feat is Amazing.

  Phelps wins 10th, 11th golds of Olympic career:
My Way News - "BEIJING (AP) - A daily double. Michael Phelps swam into history as the winningest Olympic athlete ever with his 10th and 11th career gold medals - and five world records in five events at the Beijing Games.
A day after etching his name alongside Mark Spitz and Carl Lewis with gold No. 9, Phelps set a standard all his own when he won the 200-meter butterfly Wednesday morning. An hour later, he swam the leadoff of a runaway victory by the U.S. 800 freestyle relay team, which shattered the old world mark by more than four seconds.
'He is just another person, but maybe from a different planet,' said Alexander Sukhorukov, who swam the anchor leg for the second-place Russians.
In his signature stroke, Phelps had a problem with his goggles. But that didn't keep him from touching first in the fly.
No such worries in the relay. Seemingly impervious to fatigue, the gangly, 23-year-old American set a blistering pace of 1 minute, 43.31 seconds that got the Americans rolling toward a winning time of 6:58.56 - the first team ever to break the 7-minute barrier.
'Come on! Come on!' he screamed at teammates Ryan Lochte, Ricky Berens and Peter Vanderkaay." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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