> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama The Bonehead Calls for UN Resolution Condemning Russia Invasion

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Obama The Bonehead Calls for UN Resolution Condemning Russia Invasion

Only one problem with that Mr Bonehead, Russia has one of 5 VETO power on the Security council, even I know this. Now, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 377 gives the UNGA overriding power over a veto of one of the 5 permanent members of UNSC, but I can assure you Obama didn't know this and a resolution to condemn Russia will not happen, period.

Another point on the Un Resolution deal would be that According to Article 27 of the UN Charter, a party to a dispute must abstain from voting, so Russia actually couldn't veto this themselves but they would probably encourage their buddies in China to do so for them which they would promptly do.

I tell ya, with every passing day this man proves he is not only too inexperienced to be president, but too stupid as well. I'm starting to wonder if he just made it through Harvard on the Affirmative Action Graduation Guarantee Plan .

He sure doesn't seem like Ivy league Material to me judging from the too numerous to count dumb statements I've heard from this guy over the years as an Illinoisan, and believe me, I know what that looks like because I have three members of my family who have graduated from Cornell, Harvard and Harvard Business school.

They make this guy look like a carnival act and in fact my brother actually lives a few blocks away from Obama, and he'll be spending a lot more time in the neighborhood after November if he keeps making dumb a**ed statements like this one......

McCain, Obama react to Georgia fighting

Tampabays10.com | Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater |: "and Barack Obama agree on how to deal with the fighting between Russia and Georgia.

Both want a multi-prong diplomatic effort and are warning Moscow that it's relations with the rest of the world are at stake.

John McCain wonders if Russia didn't feel freer to attack Georgia after NATO put a “membership action plan” for Georgia on hold. McCain and Obama both think NATO should reconsider that decision.

McCain also believes NATO's North Atlantic Council should convene an emergency session to demand a cease-fire, and begin talking about a peacekeeping force for South Ossetia.

Obama thinks the U.N. Security Council should pass a resolution calling for an immediate end to the violence. He also thinks a U.N. mediator should join efforts to try to end the fighting. a0735

(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)"

We can see that Obama is just another one of these bow down to the UN liberals, like yet another democratic do nothing Senator John Kerry, who in the last election was excoriated for saying he would check with the UN to defend ourselves if you remember correctly...


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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