> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Messiah Isn't As Clean As He Claims

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Messiah Isn't As Clean As He Claims

People who follow the news in Illinois have known this for a long time, particularly around the city of Chicago where Obama's little armor chinks are going to appear more and more in the sure to be ugly upcoming trial of his buddy Tony Rezco that is started Tuesday. And buddy he was for over ten years although liberals and the media will have you believe otherwise.

With any luck for Illinois and the country this trial is probably going to drag down Obama and the sitting Democratic crook of an Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich both at the same time seeing as their ties to this crook and Obama's friend by the way should do exactly that when the public sees that the true story with Barack is nothing but politics as usual.

Yesterday it was determined that the trial will be allowed to contain evidence that Rezco set up straw donors for Obama's campaigns for over ten years, which goes straight to the heart of his integrity as he has already denied taking donations dating back that far, and has tried to extricate himself from this mess by only returning recent donations from Rezco totaling around $150.000, no small sum, acting as if this little Clinton trick washes his hands clean.

Not to mention that without Rezco's financial assistance over the years in his previous successful campaigns Obama would not be anywhere near where he is today, so this trial will expose exactly how indebted Obama would have been or already was and is to this crook had Rezco not been exposed, and will show that Obama has some skeletons in his closet that are waiting to come out if the national media can pry their noses from his backside long enough to report them.

Is the Messiah's teflon Party's over?

Obama's name likely to come up at Rezko trial --

chicagotribune.com: "The name of Democratic presidential front-runner Barack Obama is likely to brush up against the impending federal corruption trial of Antoin 'Tony' Rezko as the result of a judge's ruling Monday.

U.S. District Court Judge Amy St. Eve, who is presiding over Rezko's trial, told prosecutors they could introduce evidence to support allegations that Rezko used straw men to make political contributions on his behalf.

Prosecutors have alleged that the money came from fees Rezko illegally siphoned from a state pension board.

In her ruling, St. Eve said the government contends that Rezko directed business associates Joseph Aramanda and Elie Maloof to make contributions to an unnamed political candidate in late 2003 and 2004 because Rezko had already contributed the maximum legal amount.

The only candidate Maloof and Aramanda contributed to during that time frame was Obama, then running for the U.S. Senate in Illinois. Maloof and Aramanda each gave $10,000 to Obama's campaign.

Maloof of Vernon Hills had supported Obama in an earlier political campaign, and disclosure reports from that effort listed her as a vice president of operations for a Rezko pizzeria management firm. Aramanda is a Glenview businessman whose son received a coveted summer internship in Obama's Capitol Hill office in 2005.

Political favors for campaign cash? Sounds pretty serious to me and should to everyone else. How many other favors has Obama returned for campaign contributions? Your pretty naive if you think this is the first and only time in Illinois Obama did this.

Until his recent legal troubles, Rezko had been a longtime friend and financial supporter of Obama's political career. Prosecutors have not alleged any wrongdoing on Obama's part, but the developments come at an awkward time as Obama faces crucial March 4 primary contests, one day after the scheduled start of the trial.

Yes, I would say this is a bit inconvenient for the Golden Obama and there is much investigating to be done to uncover exactly how close the two were over the past decade or so and what other possible illegal activities may have been procured between the candidate and his dirty friend.

Obama's campaign says it has given more than $150,000 in Rezko-linked contributions to charity, including the money from Aramanda and Maloof.

"We had no knowledge of any straw donations and have returned any of the donations about which we have any reasonable question," Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement late Monday.

Well, we will find out now after Tuesday's ruling who knew what and exactly when abotu straqw donors.

As I said before, what about the donations that occurred 5 years ago, or ten years ago that helped Obama get his foot in the political doors of Springfield that he's used as nothing but a stepping stone for his accelerated bid for the presidency, hopefully before he accumulated too much of a record to be considered at a later time as most senatorial candidates are eventually.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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