> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Psycho Lefty Kills Airman Then Self, MSM Ignores The Story

Today's world headlines

Monday, July 9, 2007

Psycho Lefty Kills Airman Then Self, MSM Ignores The Story

Is that a surprise to anyone out there, either of those statements, I hope not. This isn't the first depressed and deranged left winger to use the war and the government to make his pathetic suicide seem meaningful by attaching it to the war with a bullsh** suicide note, The note essentially said “mad at the government and wanted to make a statement … that’s why he did what he did on the Fourth of July.” according to the killers aunt.

So he does it this way to not dishonor his family I suppose and to hopefully become a left wing icon in his afterlife because he sadly couldn't make a go of it in real life, just as the man I next describe became and was.

So I suppose we could extrapolate that this loon killed himself this way based on the afterlife treatment this guy here received from the left, way to go to that crowd I say..

The other nut did that very thing right here in Chicago a while back and was pretty much ignored at first, this guy took a roadside gasoline shower and then set himself on fire. My friend Leo at Psycmeistr blogged about this issue back then as did I and Newsbusters had a great writeup about this loon here

The coward in this present story below however decided to shoot an innocent US Airman on the Fourth of July and then blow his own brains out. Fortunately the Airman is still alive but in critical condition, whereas the moonbat is as dead as a doornail, just as he wanted.

Little Green Footballs has the complete story as a reader there brought this to Charles Johnson's attention. The injured New Jersey Airman is his friend and needs all the support he can get to pull through this. And as usual the MSM sugarcoats or downright ignores the story as it really is, and portrays and lionizes this nutjob as some kind of freaking hero.

The only real coverage of this was purely local and mostly obligatory as you can judge by reading the articles for yourself. I have the readers' letter and links to the media stories below. Thanks to LGF for bringing this to the attention of many today including me.

Deranged Moonbat Shoots Airman on Fourth of July

lgf: "LGF reader ciaospirit relates an awful story of a suicidal anti-military leftist who made a statement on the Fourth of July by shooting an airman from McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey:"

Hey, Lizards, prayer time. My son’s best friend, Jon, who’s in the Air Force stationed in New Jersey at Fort Dix/McGuire Air Force Base was shot by a crazed anti-military white guy on Independence Day and he remains in critical condition. He had been on leave here in Ohio and got back to his home off base and was unpacking stuff from his car when this 22 year old guy walked up to him and asked him if he lived in the house. When Jon said yes, the guy said “not any more” and shot him point blank in the chest. He tried to shoot him again, but his gun jammed. Jonathan made it into the house. The guy then shot himself. Turns out the guy left a couple of suicide notes stating how much he hated the military and he wanted to go out making a statement, so he chose to make his statement on Independence Day trying to kill a soldier. continued here

Then LGF goes on to link to the AP version of what happened (totally slanted left of coarse)
and also to a MSNBC left wing lunatic fringe version. What conspiratorial scum the media has become when the choose to lionize a loser like this over a soldier defending their very right to put their pens to paper every day and night. Pure scum.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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